- He gave a radiant smile when he heard the news. 他听到这个消息后露出欣喜的微笑。
- The advertiser has a gentle voice and a radiant smile. 那个报幕员嗓音柔和,笑容灿烂。
- Beibei turned round and threw a radiant smile at Xun. 贝贝回头,对熏扬起了一个好灿烂的笑容。
- She never complained.Then, whenever Quentin arrived, shamefaced and apologetic, she would give him a radiant smile and a fresh hot-dog.She knew he wouldn't have eaten again. 而每一次,当Quentin带着满脸的歉意赶到的时候,Dorothy都会送上最灿烂的笑容和一份刚出炉的热狗,她知道,Quentin一定又没有吃饭。
- She threw me a radiant smile. 她冲我嫣然一笑。
- Just then in walked Isabella with a radiant face. 正值此时刻,伊莎贝拉容光焕发地走了进来。
- She switched on her radiant smile. 她脸上堆满了笑容。
- a radiant smile [face] 流露着喜悦的微笑[脸]
- Even when golden hair, like her own, lay in a halo on a pillow round the worn face of a little boy, and he said, with a radiant smile, 'Dear papa and mamma, I am very sorry to leave you both, and to leave my pretty sister; 那时跟她相同的金发耷拉在枕上,像神灵的光圈一样围绕着一个小男孩憔悴的脸。 那孩于灿烂地微笑着说,“亲爱的爸爸妈妈,我很难过,因为我要离开你们了,要离开美丽的姐姐了。
- "She made a motion as if to rise and greeted them with a radiant smile, scolding Mrs.Zhou for not speaking up before. " "这才忙欲起身;犹未起身时;满面春风的问好;又嗔着周瑞家的怎么不早说.;"
- This is a radiant morning.The bride's hands are radiant with rings. 这是一个阳光明媚的早晨,新娘子双手的戒指光彩夺目
- a radiant smile 满脸微笑
- The sun is a radiant body. 太阳是一个发光体。
- I could almost touch calmness when I thought about Lillian, with her gentle voice and radiant smile. 想着她那柔美的声音和灿烂的笑容,我心中几乎顿感一丝宁静。
- I could almost touch calmness when I thought about Lillian, with her gentle voice and radiant smile. 想着她那柔美的声音和灿烂的笑容,我心中几乎顿感一丝宁静。
- A slender smile still flickered across her face. 她脸上闪过一丝微笑。
- She had a warm smile on her face. 她脸上露出亲切的微笑。
- His face expanded in a smile of welcome. 他喜笑颜开地表示欢迎。
- In the living room of her apartment Karen bestowed on Nim the same radiant smile he remembered so well from their previous encounter. 凯伦在公寓的起居室里朝着尼姆妩媚地笑着,他清楚地记得她和上次见面时笑得一模一样。
- Taijiquan is a radiant pearl in China traditional culture. 太极拳是中国传统文化中一颗璀璨的明珠。